28 Desember 2008

New Reactor Container for HHO Motorcycle

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Jadi anda pilih mana? 3b atau 3c ?

Video Animasi Gerakan Mesin 4 Langkah 4 Silinder

27 Desember 2008

OSP/ Oxygen Sensor Piggyback - EFIE Installation

Install your fuel efficiency device
The EFIE is not intended to be a fuel saver by itself. You should install a device that is designed to get more energy out of the same fuel, such as a hydrogen gas electrolyzer, a fuel vapor production unit, or other device that gets more power out of the same fuel by increasing the efficiency of the burn.

1. Locate the oxygen sensor signal wire
The easy way to do this is to look it up in your Haynes, Clymer or Chilton manual for your car. If you don't have one of these, there is a service at www.ahdol.com where you can pay a nominal fee, and get your wiring diagrams emailed to you. I have also recently found a resource at www.autozone.com whereby you can get your wiring diagram, and specific service manual information on your sensors. However, the information is not available for all cars and trucks. To help you find your wiring diagram at autozone.com, follow the instructions found here. Using the wiring diagram data, you can get the wire color of the signal wire, and hopefully gain access to it up in the engine compartment, where it routes to the computer.

If none of these options are available, you'll need to locate the oxygen senor and then locate the signal wire by testing. The sensor can have 2, 3 or 4 wires, and you have to know which one is the signal wire. If you have 4 wires they will be:
1. Heater 12 Volts +
2. Heater ground
3. Oxygen sensor signal +
4. Oxygen sensor signal ground

If you have 2 or 3 wires, then you can have a common ground, or no heater wires etc. The simplest setup is a single wire, which is the signal wire and the sensor get's it's ground from the exhaust pipe. You can use the following procedure to narrow down which wire is which:

1. Disconnect the wire harness, turn on the ignition and probe for a wire produces 12 volts. This will be the heater circuit.
2. Next find the 2 wires that produce exactly 0 volts. These will be the heater ground and the signal ground. The remaining wire should be your signal wire.
3. Reconnect the wiring harness, then strip a little insulation from the signal wire and measure it to ground with the engine running. You'll get voltage readings constantly fluctuating between 0 and 1 volt, if you have the signal wire. Note, that you have to let the engine warm up a bit before you will get these voltages from the sensor.
• Cut this wire at a convenient location for connecting the EFIE. We'll call the sensor side of this cut the sensor wire, and the other side of the cut, the computer wire.Note: rarely an oxygen sensor wiring harness will have more than 4 wires. In this case, the sensor is possibly a "wide band" oxygen sensor. The EFIE has been reported to work with 5-wire wide band sensors. But you want to use a very low setting to start with on these.
Once you have determined which is the sensor's signal wire, you want to get it located up close to the computer. If you used a manual, or wiring diagram, you probably have already located the wire at the computer's wiring harness. If you had to figure out the wires at the sensor itself, then try to find the same wire at the computer's wiring harness. It should be the same colors, but test it with an ohm meter to be sure. Sometimes they use the same colors for different things. Even if it's a pain in the posterior portion of your anatomy, it's worth it to get the signal wire located up by the computer. This makes cutting into it and hooking up the EFIE much easier.

2. Locate 12 volt power and ground
You need to ensure that you have switched power, not power directly from the battery. You don't want the EFIE running 100% of the time. It's not that the unit couldn't run 100% of the time, it probably could. But it would slowly drain your battery. Most of the fuel efficiency devices need switched power as well, and you can often piggy back onto them. Note that the EFIE draws negligible power. You can attach it to any circuit.

The best choice for a voltage source is a fuel efficiency device. That way the EFIE only activates when the fuel efficiency device is turned on. Note that when power is shut off to the EFIE, or the EFIE's switch is turned off, the original connection between the oxygen sensor and the computer is re-established. If connecting to your fuel saver's power is inconvenient or inappropriate, just use any circuit that is accessory key switched. Your electrical diagram can come in handy here, and if you don't find another device to attach to, you can usually find a spare circuit in the fuse box (you may have to add a fuse). One installer used the oxygen sensor's heater power for his EFIE's power, and this is perfectly acceptable.

Ground can be the vehicle body, engine block or ground from another device, including the ground for the oxygen sensor itself. Just make sure that whatever you choose to use for ground has a negligible resistance (less than 10 ohms) when tested against the negative battery terminal of your car.

3. Mount the EFIE
You can use the mounting ears to screw down the EFIE to a suitable location on the vehicle body or firewall. Some people like to mount the device inside the passenger compartment of the car. There are some considerations about where you mount your EFIE that should also be reviewed:

1. The EFIE is not waterproof. If you mount it under the hood, you will have to take care to cover it if you need to steam or spray clean your engine. If this is something you regularly do, you may want to mount the EFIE in the passenger compartment where it will be protected.

2. If you live in a cold climate, where temperatures are expected to be below freezing a significant number of days per year, you will want to ensure that the EFIE is mounted where it will be warmed, either by the engine, or inside the passenger compartment. Below freezing temperatures cause the EFIE to come up to it's voltage offset very slowly unless it is physically warmed. This is because it doesn't generate much heat of it's own. In most cases this can be accomplished by mounting your EFIE in the upper rear of the engine compartment, close to the firewall, which will allow it to benefit from trapped engine heat. Newer EFIEs now come with jumpers that if set will cause the EFIE to generate more heat. These were intended for use in very cold climates. Find J1 and J2 on your circuit board. Set the following jumpers for increasing amounts of heat: J1, J2, J1 and J2.

4. Attach the wires
The EFIE multi-conductor wire has 6 colors: red, black, white, green, blue and brown. Connect the red to your power source. Connect the black to ground. Connect the green wire to the oxygen sensor. Connect the white wire to the computer. For Dual EFIE units, the brown wire goes to the 2nd oxygen sensor, and the blue wire goes to the 2nd sensor's computer line. Hopefully you've been able to locate all these wires up by the computer in an easily accessible location. But if so, be sure not to cut them too close to the computer so that you have plenty of slack to work with them.

You should solder them and use heat shrink tubing to insulate the connections from other wires. If you don't have heat shrink, you can use electrical tape. I personally always use heat shrink. It's more professoinal looking, and less likely to unravel later into a sticky mess.

EFIE Controls

5. Adjust the EFIE
I have found that .200 volts is a good starting point. If you haven't done so already, you should get a benchmark for your mpg by going through a tank of gas with the EFIE and fuel efficiency device turned off, or disconnected. This way you'll know when you're getting closer to an optimum setting as your mpg improves.

The picture above shows a Single EFIE Deluxe, with the controls marked. The toggle switch turns the EFIE on/off, and the red LED glows only when the EFIE is on and has power. Note that when the EFIE is powered off, it makes the connection between the oxygen sensor and the computer, the same as it was before the EFIE was installed. If you ever have need to reconnect the oxygen sensor directly to the computer, just turn the EFIE (or Dual EFIE) off, and this will be accomplished. Also, if power is shut off to the EFIE, you'll get the same result regardless of which position the switch is in.
The red and black test points will accept and hold in place the electrodes (probes) from a multi-meter. The black point is attached to the oxygen sensor lead, and the red point is attached to the lead that outputs to the computer. Just push the leads in and they will be held in place by spring loaded clamps. With your probes in the two test points, you'll be reading the voltage offset being supplied by the EFIE, and this is the setup you need for EFIE adjustment.

The adjustment screw adjusts the voltage offset between the signal from the sensor, and what the computer "sees". Turn the screw in a clockwise direction to increase the offset, and counter-clockwise to reduce the offset, and your multimeter will be reading the offset amount. The signal adjustment potentiometer (or "pot" for short) is designed to turn 18-20 full revolutions. This is so that the voltage offset can be tuned to a fine degree of control. Adjustments as small as a few millivolts can be made.The lowest offset is between 10 and 40 millivolts, while the highest, with an unmodified EFIE, is 425-475 millivolts.

Most computers will see 425 millivolts from the EFIE, plus the sensor's voltage as high all the time. In other words even when the sensor is putting out it's lowest voltage, when the EFIE adds 425 millivolts, the computer will think the sensor is reading high. it'll think that the sensor is high all the time, that it's damaged, and will ignore it's data. However, if this occurs you should get a check engine light alerting you to the "defective oxygen sensor". So you should never operate your EFIE this high. Note that you may desire to modify your EFIE's range to a lower set of values. This would give you finer voltage control if you're trying to maintain less than .200 volts, for instance. You might in this case want to make the EFIE's maximum voltage be 250 millivolts instead of 450. See How to Adjust the EFIE's Range for instructions on how to do this.

It is possible to damage the adjustment pot by turning it past it's lowest or highest values. However, I've turned them at least 10 full revolutions past the end with no ill effects. But there is a limit to how many times you can turn them, and I have ruined one once by turning one too far. The thing to do, is only turn them with your multimeter hooked up. When you get down to 15-20 millivolts, and further turning doesn't change the amount, stop. And the same applies at the top end of the scale. In actual practice you should never need to be at the extremes.

When it comes to making the actual adjustments to the EFIE for your particular car and fuel saver combination, I recommend starting out with 200 millivolts. The process of adjusting the EFIE is trial and error. If you're setting the EFIE above 350 millivolts you're starting to get pretty high. Watch for symptoms of too lean a mix such as rough engine, lack of power, "check engine light" coming on, etc. When these show up, adjust it back down until the symptoms go away. Note, some computers will accept an EFIE setting of over 400 millivolts. This is not the norm however, unless you take some of the actions in Tuning For Mileage.

A couple of adjustment tips: 1) If your "check engine" light comes on, you've likely set the offset too high, and the computer thinks your oxygen sensor is on the fritz. This can also be caused by mis-wiring the EFIE, so make sure you're hooked up correctly. 2) If you lose horsepower AT ALL, you've got an incorrect setting, as fuel efficiency devices should increase horsepower proportionately with the increase in MPG (as well as decrease emissions). 3) If you have a high temperature probe, run down the highway with the fuel efficiency devices turned off, long enough to get the engine up to full operating temperature, and note the temp of your exhaust pipe, near the exhaust manifold. As you increase your voltage offset, this temperature may increase. Don't let it raise more than 180 degrees from your initial test.

You will probably find adjusting the EFIE to be frustrating at first. When you turn the adjustment screw, the voltage starts raising (or lowering) and keeps on doing so long after you've stopped turning the screw. It can take up to 10 minutes or more for the voltage changes to completely settle down. I have learned to set EFIEs similarly to balancing a long stick on your finger. You have to turn the screw farther than you expect the final position to be to get the EFIE's voltage changing in the direction you want. Then when the voltage gets close to your target voltage, quickly start turning the adjustment screw the opposite way until the voltage stops increasing. Once the voltage is at your target value, then you just make small adjustments either way to get the voltage to settle down. But note you'll want to check the voltage some minutes later to make sure it hasn't continued to drift to a different value.That's the basics. If you run into trouble in your installation, post questions on the support forum, www.fuel-saver.org. I can use the feedback to improve the guides here, as well as answer questions others may have as well.

Discover More About - Hydrogen Gas Fuel Is The Answer To Today High Gasoline Price

Hydrogen gas fuel is an element that exists in abundance all over the earth. It can be found in water and natural and renewable matter such as plants, compost materials, even algae. Thanks to its abundance, hydrogen can be converted into hydrogen gas fuel for many of the same uses as fossil fuels. Hydrogen gas fuel in its purest form must be obtained by the separation of the hydrogen’s chemical bond to those elements. When hydrogen gas fuel is blended with pure oxygen and ignited the only resulting emissions are heat and water, you can’t get much greener than that!

Each method of distilling the hydrogen to it purest form has its own unique set of pros and cons, from emissions generated by the refining process to finding the most cost effective method of producing hydrogen gas fuel. Currently, steam methane reforming is the most popular method in the United States. This method separates hydrogen from natural gas by heating the natural gas at various temperatures.

Producing enough hydrogen gas fuel to support mainstream use would likely require new infrastructure, making start-up costs an expensive proposition. Current technology such as electrolysis (passing of electrical current through water in an ionic transfer device) can be adapted on a larger scale by using electricity generated through methods such as windmills or solar panels. In addition, geographic concerns will play a major role in location choices for any hydrogen production facility as ideally any such facility requires a large expanse of open space and should be located away from densely populated areas. However, zero greenhouse gas emissions in the electrolysis method make this a worthwhile, long-term venture.

Hydrogen is an extremely flexible fuel as it can be stored and transported in both liquid and gas forms. Hydrogen gas fuel can be transported in its vapor form roughly one to two hundred miles from the refining facility. For long distance transport up to one thousand miles the hydrogen is transported in liquid form requiring specially designed super-insulated tanks.

Hydrogen will produce more energy per unit weight than any other fuel known. Hydrogen gas fuel gives more than triple the energy of the equivalent amount of gasoline, and does not produce any of gasoline’s undesirable emissions like sulfur and carbon dioxide. Hydrogen gas fuel yields energy at a rate of six times more than an equal amount of coal.

Hydrogen gas fuel remains efficient through a much wider combination of air fuel mixtures than gasoline. This results in greater combustion efficiency. Hydrogen fuel cell would have a rating equivalent to an octane rating of one hundred thirty, exceeding the highest octane gasoline currently available at the gas pump.

Just about anything from cell phones, scooters, spacecraft and even entire cities can be powered by hydrogen gas fuel. Vehicles for every day use can be produced or retrofitted to utilize this fuel. As gas prices rise, hydrogen gas fuel as an alternative fuel may soon become a reality.

Waspada Meninggalkan Rumah

27/12/2008 12:52 - Kasus Pencurian
Waspada Meninggalkan Rumah

Liputan6.com, Kediri: Masyarakat diminta waspada saat meninggalkan rumah untuk pergi berlibur atau aktivitas lain. Pastikan pintu rumah dan pagar terkunci. Berikan nomor telepon yang bisa dihubungi sewaktu-waktu ke tetangga atau petugas keamanan. Bila perlu, pasang pengamanan tambahan seperti alarm.

Belum lama ini, sebuah rumah di Kediri, Jawa Timur yang ditinggal penghuninya disatroni kawanan pencuri. Pemilik rumah tak menyangka sepulang dari toko miliknya, rumah dalam keadaan terbuka. Isi rumah sudah acak-acakan. Sejumlah barang berharga sudah lenyap. Kerugian diperkirakan mencapai puluhan juta rupiah. Diduga pencuri lebih dari satu orang dan tahu seluk-beluk rumah.

Pencurian juga terjadi di Jakarta. Rumah di kawasan elite Menteng milik seorang warga asing dan kerap ditinggal kosong jadi sasaran maling. Brankas yang berada di lantai satu didapati telah berpindah tempat ke lantai dua dan dalam keadaaan terbuka. Seluruh isinya raib.(JUM/Tim Liputan 6 SCTV)

Harga HHO Mobil dan Motor

Distributor Welcome, Instalation Training Provided

HHO Mobil Static:

Ver 1: 5-6Amp 100-150cc/ menit
Rp 750.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir

Ver 2: 6-8Amp 150-200cc/ menit, High HHO Output
Rp 950.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir
Rp 1.200.000,- Pasang, dilakukan dengan hasil kerja yang baik
Rp 1.500.000,- Pasang, termasuk Carbon Clean, Oil Treatment, garansi hasil maksimal di mobil anda

Ver 3: 6-11Amp 150-250cc/ menit, Bigger& isolated Rod, Durable, Easy Refill
Rp 1.000.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir
Rp 1.250.000,- Pasang, dilakukan dengan hasil kerja yang baik
Rp 1.550.000,- Pasang, termasuk Carbon Clean, Oil Treatment, garansi hasil maksimal di mobil anda

HHO Motor Variable

Ver 1, 1-3Amp 20-60cc/ menit, kelistrikan spul 6volt, Limited Stock
Rp 175.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir
Rp 225.000,- Pasang, dilakukan dengan hasil kerja yang baik
Rp 325.000,- Pasang, termasuk Carbon Clean, Oil Treatment, garansi hasil maksimal di motor anda

Ver 2, 1-3Amp 20-60cc/ menit, kelistrikan spul 6volt
Rp 250.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir
Rp 300.000,- Pasang, dilakukan dengan hasil kerja yang baik
Rp 350.000,- Pasang, termasuk Carbon Clean, Oil Treatment, garansi hasil maksimal di motor anda

Ver 3 & 3a: 1-3Amp 20-60cc/ menit, kelistrikan spul 12volt
Rp 275.000,- Barang saja, tanpa pasang/ tanpa ongkir
Rp 325.000,- Pasang, dilakukan dengan hasil kerja yang baik
Rp 375.000,- Pasang, termasuk Carbon Clean, Oil Treatment, garansi hasil maksimal di motor anda

25 Desember 2008

Katalis KOH berbahaya buat logam alumunium mesin dan kulit kita

jaka-kelana says on 24th September 2008, 16:18
. . . . .mengenai katalis memang yang bagus bisa dipakai KOH... cuma sifatnya agak korosif terhadap logam alumunium dan cukup berbahaya bila terkena tangan.Tapi sementara ini KOH katalis paling efektif untuk menghasilkan gas.
menurut perkiraan saya (belum dicoba)apabila kalau untuk mobil dengan mesinsekitar 1500 cc-an dengan daya listrik > 900 watt cukup kuat untuk membuat mesin mobil itu hidup dan dipakai berjalan. , asalkan alat hydrogen booster yang dipakai bisa benar2 effisien >90 %.

. . . .agirachmat18th November 2008, 23:47
Bro, gw pernah nyoba beli dari net. Bikinan anak semarang yang kebetulan ni anak asli BDG. Gw nggak perlu sebut nama. Awalnya emang gw agak ragu karena bikinannya masih "amatireun" dan hasilnya--- meledak bum!!! pertama, karena panas dari listrik yang 12 volt dari accu. Kedua, karena rangkaian yang ada di dalam air tabung, korslet!!!, karena goyang-goyang dan guncangan mobil. Namanya juga nyoba. Yang pasti itulah harga yang musti dibayar karena nyoba-nyoba. Untunglah, mobil gw diesel, coba bayangin kalo bensin. Gas hydrogen bertemu dengan percikan busi. Pasti heboh JKT. Tabung air dari kaca, 2 biji. Bum!!!

Gw terus searching di net. gw percaya pastilah ada temen yang nyoba-nyoba udah lebih jauh dan lebih maju. Akhirnya gw ketemu dan akhirnya ketemu ama [http://www.pengiritbbm.blogspot.com/]. Gw nggak bermaksud promosi. Gw diem-diem udah nyari kemane-mane dan nyoba berkali-kali dan menurut gw--nyang ini "layak dicoba"---mahal??? Relatif lah yaw, dengan hasil coba-coba dan investasi dia "sekian kali" dibanding gw. Alat nya, kuat, kokoh, tidak panas, simple solid, dan menurut gw, "satu langkah" lagi bisa dibuat "massal"---quality assurance-nya lumayan. Bener-bener patut dicoba. Maaf ye, gw generasi umur 50 tahun, dan buat gw yang bikin ini masih relatif anak muda. Humble, "nyambung"---dan gw mampir di rumahnye, ternyata anak ini adalah pembuat RT-RW net buat lingkungannya. Buat gw luarbiasa. Patut didukung. Dia diem-diem punya proyek "agak gila" [satu] bikin bbm air buat motor yang dikasih orang buat eksperimen ama [dua] ada satu volvo tua yang lagi ngejogrok nyang dia lagi mau coba pake bbm air. Sendirian. Salut lah.
Maaf ya. Thanks bro. . . .

. . . .21. Untuk cairan elektrolit masukan Flake KOH bisa anda dapatkan disetiap toko kimia dengan harga sekita 15 rb/kg dengan perbandingan 1:4 dengan air suling 1 KOh 4 air. Cari wadah plastic untuk pelarutan jangan besi selanjutnya wadah bukan untuk tempat makanan berbahaya . Larutkan pelan pelan dengan cara menuang air ke koh bukan memasukan koh ke air. Hati hati KOH sangat berbahaya harus mengenakan sarung tangan atau kalau bisa jangan dipegang (saya tidak pernah memegangnya) pakai kaca mata safety . Jika terkena siram dengan air sebanyak banyaknya selama 15 menit , Jika mata anda terkena maka anda hanya punya 15 detik sebelum retina anda rusak dan buta. Kebanyakan dokter atau puskesmas tidak tahu cara menangani ini jadi siram dengan air sebanyak – banyaknya adalah cara yang paling efektif setelah itu baru ke rumah sakit. Jika hati hati pasti aman
22. Tuang larutan koh tersebut kedalam wadah pvc secara hati hati dan selanjutnya masukkan block cell anda. . . . .

. . . .3. Tuangkan air terlebih dahulu (aliran listrik / accu sudah terpasang) baru masukan bahan kimia (KOH) sedikit demi sedikit hingga terjadi proses elektrolisa (seperti air mendidih) dari pengalaman air satu liter cukup dengan 1 sendok teh kecil , gunakan kaca mata karena KOH ini sangat berbahaya bila terkena mata. . . .

gunawan, Menurut baca-baca di internet. Metode untuk mengurai H2 dari air dengan elektrolit KOH sudah diterapkan tahun 1959 dalam hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Francis Thomas Bacon, dan metodenya ini disebut fuel cell Bacon Type. Metode ini dipandang tidak efisien karena perlu temperatur tinggi (100-300 celcius) dan sifat korosif dari KOH (elektrolit basa). Terkecuali di 2008 ini Joko Sutrisno berhasil menemukan metode pemanfaatan elektrolit KOH yang lebih efisien dari Bacon barulah Joko Sutrisno ini bisa disebut penemu. Silakan Googling saja Bacon Type Fuel Cell di Google.

24 Desember 2008

Magnetic Alignment

How to find the North and South ends of your stainless steel tubes.

Stainless Steel can be very low magnetic, but it still has some magnetism to it; even non-magnet ss has "some" magnetism. When you apply voltage to the tubes, as we do in electrolysis, a magnetic field is produced. Your tubes need to be magnetically aligned in order for them to produce at their best. They must all be aligned with their MOST Magnetic ends facing the same direction. If you do not do this, you won't get much gas production around a miss aligned tube. "Joe Cell" technology teaches us the same thing. I believe the Magnetic Force has an effect on the separation of the water molecules. It supposedly happens on the "surfaces of the tubes" as the ions are attracted to their opposite polarities. The amount of voltage (which is electrical pressure) and the amount of current - the movement of electrons flowing through the cell (which we are measuring in Amps) has a direct relation to the amount of HHO gas that is produced. This is Ohms Law, not rocket science.

To produce the best magnetic field, all of the tubes need to be aligned exactly the same. Once you accomplish that. Apply your DC voltage to the "bottom" of the center tube, and to the top of the outside tube. This sets up a North South alignment for your magnetic field. When that alignment happens, your HHO will move "up and out" not downward.

If you apply your DC voltage at the top of the cell, even when using Flat Plates, the magnetic field has a tendency to push the HHO to the sides, or Down. On the other hand, if you apply the DC at the bottom for all of your tubes/plates, the magnetic field has a tendency to push your HHO to the sides or UP. Watch anyone's videos that is using a clear container and pay attention to where they are applying the DC. You will see exactly what I mean. My own video that uses the tubes with perforated holes will show you my point.

Because you are using tubes, you are making both a water capacitor and a water inductor. A capacitor stores voltage. An inductor can collect voltage, transfer voltage, and even produce a magnetic field. So get your tubes aligned magnetic N & South.


The first scientific decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen, by electrolysis, was done in 1800 by William Nicholson, an English chemist. In 1805, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Alexander von Humboldt showed that water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen (by volume).

After reading some of the information that follows, you will understand why most people use Distilled water in their cells.

Purified water is water from any source that is physically processed to remove impurities. Distilled water and deionized water have been the most common forms of purified water, but water can also be purified by other processes including reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, microporous filtration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electrodialysis. In recent decades, a combination of the above processes have come into use to produce water of such high purity that its trace contaminants are measured in parts per billion (ppb) or parts per trillion (ppt). Purified water has many uses, largely in science and engineering laboratories and industries, and is produced in a range of purities.

Methods of water purifying:

Distilled water has virtually all of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container, leaving nearly all of the solid contaminants behind. Distillation produces very pure water but also leaves behind a leftover white or yellowish mineral scale on the distillation apparatus, which requires that the apparatus be frequently cleaned.

For many applications, cheaper alternatives such as deionized water are used in place of distilled water.

Double-distilled water (abbreviated "ddH2O" or "Bidest. water") is prepared by double distillation of water. Historically, it was the de facto standard for highly purified laboratory water for biochemistry and trace analysis until combination methods of purification became widespread.

Deionized water which is also known as demineralized water (DI water or de-ionized water; also spelled deionised water, see spelling differences) is water that has had its mineral ions removed, such as cations from sodium, calcium, iron, copper and anions such as chloride and bromide. Deionization is a physical process which uses specially-manufactured ion exchange resins which bind to and filter out the mineral salts from water. Because the majority of water impurities are dissolved salts, deionization produces a high purity water that is generally similar to distilled water, and this process is quick and without scale buildup. However, deionization does not significantly remove uncharged organic molecules, viruses or bacteria, except by incidental trapping in the resin. Specially made strong base anion resins can remove Gram-negative bacteria. Deionization can be done continuously and inexpensively using electrodeionization.

It should be noted that deionization does not remove the hydroxide or hydronium ions from water; as water self-ionizes to equilibrium, this would lead to the removal of the water itself.

Other processes
Other processes are also used to purify water, including reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, microporous filtration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electrodialysis. These are used in place of, or in addition to the processes listed above. Generally, each process is well suited to removing a particular set of impurities while not being as good at removing other impurities.

Parameters of purified water:

Resistivity and conductivity
Removal of ions causes water's resistivity to increase, providing a convenient measurement for the exact extent of deionization. Ultrapure deionized water has a theoretical maximum resistivity of 1.831 GΩ·m (18.31 MΩ·cm) and a theoretical minimum conductivity of 5.45 μS/m (0.0545 μs/cm), compared to around 1.5 MΩ·m (15 kΩ·cm) and 7 mS/m (70 μS/cm) for tap water. Ultrapure water's high resistivity allows it to be used both as a coolant and a cleaning/washing substance in direct contact with high-voltage electrical equipment.

pH values
The theoretical pH of highly purifed water is 7.0. In practice, however, most purified water will have a pH that is slightly acidic (less than 7.0) due to the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Dissolved carbon dioxide reacts slowly with water to give the bicarbonate and hydronium ions.

CO2 (g) + 2H2O(l) → HCO3- + H3O+

Note that carbonic acid, H2CO3, is only formed in strongly acid solutions. Distillation temporarily removes dissolved CO2 from the water. However, during condensation, water that is exposed to air will reabsorb CO2 again resulting in a pH that is slightly less than 7.0.

Non-laboratory uses
Distilled or deionized water are commonly used to top up lead acid batteries used in cars and trucks. The presence of foreign ions commonly found in tap water will cause a drastic reduction in an automobile's battery lifespan.

Distilled or deionized water is preferable to tap water for use in automotive cooling systems. The minerals and ions typically found in tap water can be corrosive to internal engine components, and can cause a more rapid depletion of the anti-corrosion additives found in most antifreeze formulations. Distilled or deionized water is especially important in automotive hybrid system component cooling systems, mixed with hybrid system coolant, to prevent corrosion and/or electrolysis of hybrid components.

Using distilled water in steam irons for pressing clothes, as well as other appliances such as humidifiers and cigar humidors which boil water, can reduce mineral scale build-up and help the appliance last longer. However, many iron manufacturers say that distilled water is no longer necessary in their irons.

For treatment of sleep apnea, patients using CPAP machines that have a humidifier are instructed to use distilled water so he or she does not inhale any impurities from non-purified water.

Purified water is used in freshwater and marine aquariums. Since it does not contain impurities such as copper and chlorine, it keeps fish free from diseases, as well as avoiding the build-up of algae on aquarium plants, due to its lack of phosphate and silicate. Deionized water should be re-mineralized before used in aquaria, since it also lacks many macro and micro-nutrients needed by both plants and fish.

Another application is to cool off airplane engines before takeoff, was used on the early Boeing 707. This is not as common today due to cost.

Deionized water is very often used as an "ingredient" in many cosmetics and pharmaceuticals where it is sometimes referred to as "aqua" on product ingredient labels; see International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients. This use again owes to its lack of potential for causing undesired chemical reactions due to impurities.

Because of its high relative dielectric constant (~80), deionized water is also used (for short durations) as a high voltage dielectric in many pulsed power applications, such as Sandia's Z Machine.

Purified water can also be used in PC watercooling systems. The lack of impurity in the water means that the system stays clean and prevents a build up of bacteria and algae. Also, the low conductance leads to less risk of electrical damage in the event of a leak or spillage. This enables the machine to work at optimal efficiency even after extensive periods of time without water exchange.

A recent use of purified water is that of a final rinse in some car washes where, because it contains no dissolved solutes, the car dries without leaving any spots. Another use of deionized water is in window cleaning, where window cleaners use pumped systems to brush and rinse windows with deionized water again without leaving any spots.

Deionized water has also recently found a use in an up to date version of water fog fire extinguishing systems. Such systems can be used in sensitive environments such as where high voltage electrical and sensitive electronic equipment is used. The 'sprinkler' nozzles use much finer spray jets and operate at up 35 MPa (350 bar; 5000 psi) of pressure. The extremely fine mist produced takes the heat out of a fire rapidly and the deionized water coupled with the fine droplets is non conducting and does not damage sensitive equipment, not already damaged by fire. The system is perfectly safe to discharge when personnel are present. Apart from getting a little damp, there are no other hazards associated with the system.

Drinking purified water
Many beverage manufacturers use distilled water to ensure a drink's purity and taste. Bottled distilled water is sold as well, and can usually be found in supermarkets. Water purification, such as distillation, is especially important in regions where water resources or tap water is not suitable for ingesting without boiling or chemical treatment.

Water filtration devices are becoming increasingly common in households. Most of these devices do not distill water, though there continues to be an increase in consumer-oriented water distillers and reverse osmosis machines being sold and used. Municipal water supplies often add or have trace impurities at levels which are regulated to be safe for consumption. Much of these additional impurities, such as volatile organic compounds, fluoride, and an estimated 75,000+ other chemical compounds are not removed through conventional filtration; however, distillation and reverse osmosis eliminate nearly all of these impurities.

The drinking of purified water has been both advocated and discouraged for health reasons. Purified water lacks minerals and ions, such as calcium, which are normally found in potable (drinking) water, and which have important biological functions such as in nervous system homeostasis. Some percentage of our daily consumption of these minerals and ions come from our drinking water, but most of them come from the food we eat, making DI water perfectly fine to drink if one has food in his or her system. The lack of naturally-occurring minerals in distilled water has raised some concerns. The Journal of General Internal Medicine published a study on the mineral contents of different waters available in the US. The study concluded, "drinking water sources available to North Americans may contain high levels of Calcium, Magnesium, and Sodium and may provide clinically important portions of the recommended dietary intake of these minerals," and further encouraged individuals to "check the mineral content of their drinking water, whether tap or bottled, and choose water most appropriate for their needs." Since distilled water is devoid of minerals, supplemental mineral intake through diet is needed to maintain proper health.

It is often observed that consumption of "hard" water, or water that has some minerals, is associated with beneficial cardiovascular effects. As noted in the American Journal of Epidemiology, consumption of hard drinking water is negatively correlated with atherosclerotic heart disease. Since distilled water is free of minerals, it will not have these potential benefits.

It has been suggested that because distilled water lacks fluoride ions that are added by a minority of governments (e.g., municipalities in the United States) at water treatment plants using sodium hexafluorosilicate or hexafluorosilicic acid for their effect on the inhibition of cavity formation: the drinking of distilled water may increase the risk of tooth decay.

The costs associated with water distillation have generally been prohibitive. However, distilling water with solar water distillers is becoming increasingly popular around the world; they can be relatively simple to design and build.

Electrical properties
Pure water containing no ions is an excellent insulator, but not even "deionized" water is completely free of ions. Water undergoes auto-ionisation at any temperature above absolute zero. Further, because water is such a good solvent, it almost always has some solute dissolved in it, most frequently a salt. If water has even a tiny amount of such an impurity, then it can conduct electricity readily, as impurities such as salt separate into free ions in aqueous solution by which an electric current can flow.

Water can be split into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, by passing an electric current through it. This process is called electrolysis. Water molecules naturally dissociate into H+ and OH− ions, which are pulled toward the cathode and anode, respectively. At the cathode, two H+ ions pick up electrons and form H2 gas. At the anode, four OH− ions combine and release O2 gas, molecular water, and four electrons. The gases produced bubble to the surface, where they can be collected. It is known that the theoretical maximum electrical resistivity for water is approximately 182 kΩ·m²/m (or 18.2 MΩ·cm²/cm) at 25 °C. This figure agrees well with what is typically seen on reverse osmosis, ultrafiltered and deionized ultrapure water systems used, for instance, in semiconductor manufacturing plants. A salt or acid contaminant level exceeding even 100 parts per trillion (ppt) in ultrapure water begins to noticeably lower its resistivity level by up to several kilohm-square meters per meter (a change of several hundred nanosiemens per meter of conductance).

Electrical conductivity
Pure water has a low electrical conductivity, but this increases significantly upon solvation of a small amount of ionic material water such as hydrogen chloride. Thus the risks of electrocution are much greater in water with the usual impurities not found in pure water. (It is worth noting, however, that the risks of electrocution decrease when the impurities increase to the point where the water itself is a better conductor than the human body. For example, the risks of electrocution in sea water are lower than in fresh water, as the sea has a much higher level of impurities, particularly common salt, and the main current path will seek the better conductor. This is, nonetheless, not foolproof and substantial risks remain in salt water.) Any electrical properties observable in water are from the ions of mineral salts and carbon dioxide dissolved in it. Water does self-ionize where two water molecules become one hydroxide anion and one hydronium cation, but not enough to carry enough electric current to do any work or harm for most operations. In pure water, sensitive equipment can detect a very slight electrical conductivity of 0.055 µS/cm at 25 °C. Water can also be electrolyzed into oxygen and hydrogen gases but in the absence of dissolved ions this is a very slow process, as very little current is conducted. While electrons are the primary charge carriers in water (and metals), in ice (and some other electrolytes), protons are the primary carriers (see proton conductor).

Dipolar nature of water, model of hydrogen bonds between molecules of water
An important feature of water is its polar nature. The water molecule forms an angle, with hydrogen atoms at the tips and oxygen at the vertex. Since oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen, the side of the molecule with the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. A molecule with such a charge difference is called a dipole. The charge differences cause water molecules to be attracted to each other (the relatively positive areas being attracted to the relatively negative areas) and to other polar molecules. This attraction is known as hydrogen bonding, and explains many of the properties of water. Certain molecules, such as carbon dioxide, also have a difference in electronegativity between the atoms but the difference is that the shape of carbon dioxide is symmetrically aligned and so the opposing charges cancel one another out. This phenomenon of water can be seen if you hold an electrical source near a thin stream of water falling vertically, causing the stream to bend towards the electrical source.

Although hydrogen bonding is a relatively weak attraction compared to the covalent bonds within the water molecule itself, it is responsible for a number of water's physical properties. One such property is its relatively high melting and boiling point temperatures; more heat energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds between molecules. The similar compound hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which has much weaker hydrogen bonding, is a gas at room temperature even though it has twice the molecular mass of water. The extra bonding between water molecules also gives liquid water a large specific heat capacity. This high heat capacity makes water a good heat storage medium.

Hydrogen bonding also gives water its unusual behavior when freezing. When cooled to near freezing point, the presence of hydrogen bonds means that the molecules, as they rearrange to minimize their energy, form the hexagonal crystal structure of ice that is actually of lower density: hence the solid form, ice, will float in water. In other words, water expands as it freezes, whereas almost all other materials shrink on solidification.

An interesting consequence of the solid having a lower density than the liquid is that ice will melt if sufficient pressure is applied. With increasing pressure the melting point temperature drops and when the melting point temperature is lower than the ambient temperature the ice begins to melt. A significant increase of pressure is required to lower the melting point temperature —the pressure exerted by an ice skater on the ice would only reduce the melting point by approximately 0.09 °C (0.16 °F).

Electronegative Polarity
Water has a partial negative charge (σ-) near the oxygen atom due to the unshared pairs of electrons, and partial positive charges (σ+) near the hydrogen atoms. In water, this happens because the oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms — that is, it has a stronger "pulling power" on the molecule's electrons, drawing them closer (along with their negative charge) and making the area around the oxygen atom more negative than the area around both of the hydrogen atoms.

Spark Plugs for Water Only Engine

What happened to the Firestorm sparkplug developed by Robert Krupa? It produced a plasma flame that allowed the air fuel ratio to be adjusted to 40 to 1; talk about running lean. Sparkplug manufacturers refused to make it for him. They said it would last forever. Imagine that. So Krupa bought his own spark plug company. Where is it now?Today we know we can mist water over a high voltage arc and produce an explosive flame. The arc destroys the water molecules. Tomorrow, we may run our motors off a special sparkplug that is capable of igniting water mist. The plug was invented by Robert Krupa, about 10 years ago. Could it be that changing your spark plugs, installing a hotter coil, and a set of low resistant plug wires, is all that is needed to convert your motor to run on water vapor?

EFIE Circuit

In the past, fuel savers would not work when applied to fuel systems with oxygen sensor feedback circuits. These systems were designed to prevent efficient combustion!
Modern fuel systems use an oxygen sensor to maintain a constant air-fuel ratio of the engine. Increasing the combustion efficiency of the engine increases the percentage of oxygen in the exhaust because the engine uses less fuel for the same volume of air and more oxygen is free because the engine produces less carbon monoxide and oxides of Nitrogen.
The increased oxygen content in the exhaust is read by the computer to be a lean mixture in the engine. As a result, the computer then adds extra fuel to bring the pollution back to normal. In other words, when the computer sees extra oxygen in the exhaust, it sends enough fuel to maintain a 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel ratio. When the computer sees less oxygen in the exhaust, it backs off on the fuel to maintain a 14.7 to 1 fuel ratio. The EFIE's function is to modify the oxygen sensor's output-signal by adding a floating voltage; so the computer will not see the extra oxygen and fight your fuel saver by adding extra fuel.

Fuel Economy Tips

First, start by finding a good quality gasoline; one that does not contain alcohol. This may be a challenge but it is one worth seeking out. Alcohol has a slower burn rate than gasoline. When your fuel contains 10% alcohol, it is watered down so to speak. It is not as volatile. It will not produce as much energy when it burns. Your mileage will drop like a rock. Oh, but you paid less per gallon for it; that is a savings; Bull! You didn't save anything if your mileage dropped by 10 to 20 percent; and it will. The major oil companies do not add alcohol to their fuel. They may charge a few cents more per gallon, but your vehicle will perform better and your mileage will benefit. So how do you know if alcohol is in the gasoline if It does not have to be advertised on the pumps? Ask the station manager. If they do not know, chances are, it contains alcohol. Once you find a quality gasoline, it may take a few tanks to use up all of the existing alcohol. Each time you add fuel, you are mixing it with old fuel (unless you run all of the old fuel out). Get in the habit of keeping track of your mileage. Write it down. Try to use pumps that are on level ground. If the vehicle is pointing down hill, it will allow you to put more fuel in the tank. If it is pointing up hill, it will allow less fuel. Also consider the pumping speed. Try to pump the fuel at the same rate. When it clicks off, stop; don't add any more (for pumps that are good, not high pressure pumps). Find a pumping rate that you can relate to. I use a counting method. I try to pump a gallon every 10 seconds; that is 1/10th gallon every second. Pumping at the same rate, from the same pump is the best way I have found to track my local mileage. When I go on trips, I use BP, Marathon, and Exxon oil companies. I have heard that Texaco gasoline is good, and some Shell blends. If you have to pay more per gallon to get non alcohol fuel, do it.
Fuel economy is all about efficiency. Clean synthetic oil reduces friction, Clean air filter lets your engine breath. Use Low resistance spark plugs; NGK is a good brand. Tire pressure, very important. Low pressure causes friction. Friction slows you down. Driving habits; start off slow; gradually pick up speed; start slowing down early. Use neutral to coast down hills. Get rid of excess weight in the vehicle - don't carry things you don't need day in day out. All of the above make a difference.
1 to 3 ounces of Acetone can be mixed with 10 gallons of gas (almost 4 liters). Acetone affects the surface tension of gas and diesel and makes it spray a finer mist; thus better combustion. Expect 3 to 4 miles per gallon increase. Xylene, increases octane. Add 1 to 3 ounces with 10 gallons of gas or diesel; another 3 or 4 miles per gallon (must be used along with Acetone).
Moth balls are my favorite. Moth balls made from Naphthalene. Add 1 moth ball to each 4 gallons of gasoline or diesel. Expect 4 miles per gallon or more. 15 to 50 percent improvement. They must be toe ones made of 99.5% Naphthalene
Acetone and Xylene improve the efficiency of the burn; thus more energy is extracted from the gas/diesel. Same goes for the Naphthalene Moth balls. Those things you can do right now; with little cost, but big savings.
Electrolysis of water is going to accomplish the same thing as the additives. It is going to cause all of the gasoline vapors to burn up. But you have a much bigger investment up front. Works for diesel too.
The hydrogen and oxygen gases (HHO) are added to your motors Air way. It gets sucked into the engine and burned. The intake manifold distributes the air/fuel mixture that your injectors spray into it. That spray gets sucked through the engines valves - to the combustion chambers, then ignited by your spark plugs. The explosion is timed so as to force the piston - down, which turns the motor. This process causes a suction at the intake manifold. That suction powers your break booster. You can share the brake booster vacuum hose with the HHO. Use a "T" fitting close to where the hose connects to the motor.
Hydrogen is safer than gasoline. It is 14 times lighter than air. It rises very fast. Gasoline fumes fall to the ground and accumulate. HHO is very explosive, but, you are not going to store it. You are going to use what you make as you make it. That way is safe.
Hydrogen is our future fuel. We - can - make it ourselves; that is why big business and governments want to suppress it. Learn what you can about it, while the information is available. You may need to use what you know some day.

New Features Oxigen Sensor Piggyback (OSP/ EFIE)

1. Low Wattage, pemakaian power hanya 2 watt, power ikut power on kontak
2. Easy, Only 1 wire cut, hanya potong 1 kabel di O2 sensor, bukan kabel body, sekalian berguna untuk memonitor kondisi pulsa O2 sensor, yang bertanggung jawab terhadap AFR, dengan terminal 4 jalur, sangat mudah memasangnya
3. Safe 1, Anti Ground Fail Sensing, sensor dan ECU aman jika ground alat mengalami gangguan.
4. Safe 2, Over voltage Protection, tegangan keluaran diprotek maks 0,8 volt ke ECU mobil
5. Safe 3, Anti Polution Fault/ Anti Check Engine Light (CEL) from ECU: dengan input dari O2 sensor, Modified Output from O2 Input dan Self Generating Modified Independent Signal, gabungan keduanya hasilkan Ultra Lean AFR, digunakan jika alat HHO yang terpasang di mobil jenis Brute Force Electrolysis, dengan keluaran minimal 200 cc/menit pada mesin bensin up to 1500 cc/ 2500 cc diesel non turbo. Segera hadir More Brute Force Electrolysis ECU combined with New Design Durable Longer Life HHO Reactor dengan HHO output up to 300 cc/menit untuk mesin bensin up to 2500 cc/ 2500 cc diesel turbo
6. Wide Range Tuning, bisa buat irit, normal atau performance
7. Bypass Switch
8. High Input impedance: > 3900 Ohm
9. Good Design, dibuat untuk semua mobil dengan Oksigen Sensor type NARROW BAND, untuk jenis WIDE BAND belum tersedia
10. Release on December 2008

Irit BBM dengan Generator Hidrogen

27 May 2008, 02:15 pm
[YOGYAKARTA] Jauh- jauh hari sebelum pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan menyerukan penghematan energi, warga Yogyakarta, Joko Sutrisno, telah membuat generator hi- drogen. Sebuah tabung plastik berisi air murni atau aquades, dilengkapi dengan elektrode berbahan baja, serta diode atau releypada mobil, dapat mengubah molekul hidrogen menjadi energi. Melalui proses elektrolisis, pengatur tekanan menuju manifold(keran plastik) akan membuat sistem pembakaran mesin mendekati sempurna.
Tenaga mobil/motor, bahkan genset, meningkat drastis. Mesin menjadi lebih halus, emisi gas buangnya pun minim. Bersih dan irit bahan bakar, kata Joko Sutrisno (50), pencipta generator hidrogen di Yogyakarta, baru-baru ini.
Alat itu sebetulnya dibuat bukan untuk membuat irit bahan bakar, melainkan dirancang untuk mengganti pre- mium ataupun solar. Pada masa mendatang, Joko akan memaksimalkan penggunaan air, sehingga kendaraan dapat melaju 100 persen dengan tenaga air. Saya uji coba dengan mobil saya sendiri dan sudah berlangsung 2 tahun tanpa masalah, meski dulu saya sering dikatai orang gila, katanya.
Generator hidrogen terbuki mampu mengurangi konsumsi BBM. Kalau sebelumnya, sebuah motor dengan 1 liter premium dapat menempuh jarak 40 km, setelah menggunakan alat itu, dapat digunakan sejauh 80 km. Bahkan, bus jurusan Yogkarta-Jakarta yang biasa menghabiskan 200 liter solar, kini hanya mem-butuhkan 120 liter.
Setiap hari puluhan peng-guna mobil dan motor antre untuk mencoba alat sederhana ciptaan warga HOS Cokroaminoto Nomor 76 Yogyakarta ini, tanpa perlu mengeluarkan banyak biaya. Mereka cukup mengeluarkan Rp 75.000 untuk motor dan Rp 150.000 untuk mobil. Proses pemasangannya pun tak berbelit-belit, paling lama setengah jam.
Teknologi ini sebenarnya sederhana. Kunci utamanya terletak pada hidrogen dalam air untuk dijadikan bahan bakar dengan proses pemisahan molekul gas yang memiliki nilai oktan pada angka 130. Hidrogen yang terurai tersebut kemudian diteruskan ke dalam ruang kompresi sepeda motor.
Joko berjanji pada Desember 2008, penelitian lanjutannya akan selesai, sehingga motor dapat beroperasi 100 persen dengan air. Soal alat temuannya, Joko mengakui bahwa untuk kendaraan bermotor masih perlu BBM sebagai bahan bakar utama, namun setelah dipasang generator hidrogen, konsumsi BBM bisa dihemat antara 40 persen hingga 50 persen.
Terkait temuan itu, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) meragukan temuan generator hidrogen. Secara formal BPPT belum melakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai kinerja generator hidrogen. Hal itu dikemukakan Kepala Analisa dan Optimasi Energi BPPT, Edi Himawan kepada SP, Selasa (27/5).
Dia berpendapat, pada dasarnya mobil didesain untuk menggunakan bahan bakar minyak (BBM), sehingga tidak mungkin seratus persen menggunakan air. Namun, dia mengakui alat yang disuplai dengan air dapat menghemat BBM, tetapi tidak mungkin 100 persen menggantikan BBM.
Selain itu, Edi mengatakan hidrogen tidak mudah diuraikan, termasuk dari air menjadi energi. Energi hidrogen itu dipecah pakai apa? Kemudian energi listrik butuh berapa? Mungkin penemunya belum menghitung keseimbangan energi. [152/DGT/M-15] http://www.koranindonesia.com/2008/05/27/irit-bbm-dengan-generator-hidrogen/

Motor Teririt di Jakarta

Biar Hemat, Mobil Presiden Dipasangi Tabung Hidrogen

Biar Hemat, Mobil Presiden Dipasangi Tabung Hidrogen
Rizky Abror

JAKARTA,KAMIS - Joko Sutrisno, penemu cara menghemat bahan bakar dengan menggunakan air mengaku telah memasangkan dua tabung hidrogen di mobil Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Tabung itu dipasangnya pada tanggal 8 Juni yang lalu. Pada saat itu, Joko mengaku, Presiden ingin mencoba saja temuan baru Joko. "Saya cuma bingung, ini mobil nggak perlu beli bensin kok pakai menghemat segala," ujar Joko sambil terkekeh, ketika ditemui Kompas.com, Kamis (19/6).
Joko mengatakan bahwa Presiden biasanya tidak perlu membeli bahan bakar, cukup menukarkan suatu kartu tertentu di tempat-tempat pengisian bahan bakar.
Temuan Joko memang membuat orang berbondong-bondong menghubungi Joko dan mendatangi rumahnya untuk memiliki tabung hidrogen jadi dan mengetahui cara pembuatan tabung serta proses elektrolisa yang dilakukannya. Terhitung, setiap hari dia memasang tabung pada sekitar 25 mobil dan 50 motor sejak dirinya tampil di salah satu stasiun televisi untuk memperkenalkan temuannya.
Rekan-rekannya yang sudah cukup menguasai setelah diajarinya sudah tersebar di beberapa daerah lain, seperti Pekalongan, Jakarta, Cibubur, dan sebentar lagi Lampung. Salah satu rekannya yang juga belajar padanya, Hasyim 'membuka cabang' di Pekalongan bahkan terbuka menangani permintaan untuk kapal laut. Selain itu, untuk memenuhi pesanan tabung hidrogen jadi, dia memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK di daerahnya di Pakuncen."Sebenarnya saya tidak berniat jual, tapi justru mereka bisa membuat sendiri, tapi karena ada orang-orang yang mau barang jadi, saya minta divisi lain, yang ngerjain ibu-ibu PKK. Hitung-hitung bisa bikin lapangan kerja sendiri," ujar Joko.
Memang, keberhasilan temuan Joko untuk menghemat pemakaian BBM telah dibuktikan oleh rekan-rekannya tersebut sehingga mereka penasaran dan kembali kepada Joko untuk mencari tahu. Rekannya di Jakarta yang bernama Ronald yang menggunakan Mercedes-Benz tua mengakui penggunaan bahan bakarnya sejak menambahkan hidrogen berubah dari 1 liter per 5 km menjadi 1 liter per 9 km. LIN

Komentar anda
mbah joyo @ Jumat, 20 Juni 2008 09:51 WIB hidrogen sbg bahan bakar uda dulu,pabrik di indonesia juga ada....dapat juga dicampur air....motor ku juga bisa jalan dg BBM campuran air murni walau pelan....Soale ndorong...he he he...
bie @ Kamis, 19 Juni 2008 19:20 WIB Joko Sutrisno inilah pahlwan blue enrgy sebenarnya; bukan Joko lainnya.
poer @ Kamis, 19 Juni 2008 19:12 WIB mungkinkan ini sama dengan yg di lakukan teman di jogja dan muntilan ? yang menggunakan bahan dasar air sebagai upaya untuk menghemat bbm ?
bima @ Kamis, 19 Juni 2008 16:49 WIB hidrogen nama lainnya adalah gas letup (buku pelajaran kimia anorganik di SMA). Sifatnya sensitif thd panas/api. Sesuai dengan UU tabung bertekanan harus ditera. Ati-ati lho!
Liz @ Kamis, 19 Juni 2008 16:42 WIB Dimana saya bisa memebeli nya di Jakarta. saya tertarik untuk menggunaknnya dimobil dan berapa harganya?

Air Dapat Menghemat Pemakaian BBM

Air Dapat Menghemat Pemakaian BBM
Caroline Damanik

Joko Sutrisno, warga Pakuncen Yogyakarta yang menemukan cara menghemat bahan bakar dengan memanfaatkan air suling dan Kalium Hidroksida sebagai katalisator melalui proses elektrolisa. Joko sedang menunjukkan 'khasiat' hidrogen dengan alat semacam reaktor hidrogen di Jakarta, Kamis (19/6).

Kamis, 19/6/2008 13:49 WIB
JAKARTA,KAMIS - Tingginya potensi tenaga ledakan yang dapat dihasilkan oleh hidrogen menunjukkan betapa hidrogen memiliki potensi yang besar pula untuk menggerakkan mesin mobil atau motor. Dengan tarikan sedikit saja, mesin sudah bisa meluncur dengan cepat.
Belum lagi fakta bahwa tarikan yang sedikit membuat bahan bakar yang digunakan makin sedikit. Maka bukan hal yang gendeng jika Joko Sutrisno, warga Pakuncen Yogyakarta menggabungkan air dengan bahan bakar bensin ataupun solar untuk menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar. Berbekal air suling, Kalium Hidroksida (KOH), dan beberapa alat, Joko yakin dapat menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar hampir 80 persen.
"Bahan peledak bensin jika ditambah hidrogen, daya ledaknya jadi luar biasa. Pedal nggak usah kuat-kuat ditekan, kecepatannya sudah sama. Tentu saja berpengaruh ke sedotan bensin oleh mesin," ujar Joko ketika ditemui Kompas.com di Hotel Maharaja, Jakarta, Kamis (19/6). Dalam demo yang dilakukannya di depan Kompas.com di halaman parkir Hotel Maharaja, Joko menunjukkan 'khasiat' hidrogen dalam menghasilkan ledakan dan daya dorong pada potongan mesin motor.
Hasilnya, dahsyat. Ledakannya cukup kuat dan dorongannya sangat cepat. Ledakan yang kuat dan dorongan yang sangat cepat itu sebenarnya dihasilkan oleh hidrogen yang telah terperangkap dalam air sabun pada demo ini. Begitu pula yang akan terjadi pada mesin mobil misalnya.
Campuran air suling dan KOH yang diberi listrik akan memisahkan gas hidrogen dan oksigen. Kemudian gas hidrogen dialirkan ke manipol sehingga bertemu dengan gas dari bensin atau solar yang sudah dibakar. Kemudian campuran kedua gas ini akan masuk ke piston dan diledakkan oleh busi sebagai pemantiknya.
"Air yang harus digunakan harus air suling, biasanya Aquades atau air hujan sekalian. Perbandingannya, satu liter air, ditambah kira-kira tiga gram KOH," ujar Joko. Campuran air suling dan KOH memang memerlukan tempat khusus sehingga Joko membuat tabung-tabung sederhana yang telah dirakit dengan alat-alat lain, seperti elektroda.
Untuk mobil, tabungnya berbentuk botol aki yang berbentuk kotak, sedangkan untuk motor, tabungnya berbentuk tabung botol kecap yang biasa ditemui di rumah-rumah makan.
"Tabungnya harus dari plastik tapi jangan tebal supaya kalau terjadi ledakan tidak terlalu berbahaya," ujar Joko. Resiko ledakan sama sekali tidak menimbulkan api dan panas karena memang begitulah sifat hidrogen. Selain itu, ledakan juga selalu mengarah ke atas, bukan ke samping sehingga memperkecil resiko merusak habis tabung tersebut.
Demo yang dilakukan Joko Sutrisno dilakukan hampir bersamaan dengan demo yang juga dilakukan Djoko Suprapto di Nganjuk, Jawa Timur. Teknologi yang diperlihatkan keduanya ternyata mirip, bukan mengubah menjadi bahan bakar, melainkan hanya menggunakan air untuk menghemat penggunaan bahan bakar.

aDHydro Static Mobil di Majalah Motor EDISI XIII/335/2008


Pemanfaatan energi alternatif yang sekarang ini sedang giat-giatnya dikembangkan, bukan mustahil akan datangkan hasil menggembirakan nantinya sebagai pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Tetapi dari sekian banyak hal yang sudah dapat dilakukan via pemanfaatan energi alternatif yang disebutkan tadi, hanya metode air saja yang dianggap mudah dan murah dalam pengaplikasiannya. Terlebih, sifatnya yang relatif mudah didapat. Untuk itu, kemunculan sekelompok orang yang concern terhadap aplikasi teknologi air. Metode ini bukan gusur total bensin, tetapi melalui air diciptakanlah senyawa yang berfungsi sebagai ‘doping’, guna meningkatkan efisiensi pembakaran pada ruang bakar. Elektrolisis sendiri di sini diartikan sebagai proses pemisahan senyawa kimia air murni jadi hidrogen (H2) dan oksigen (O2) via aliran arus listrik ke pelat stainless steel yang dicelupkan ke dalam air tadi. Buat aplikasi di mobil, proses elektrolisis ini dibantu kinerjanya oleh arus listrik dari aki. Maka alat inilah yang disebut hydrogen booster atau penghasil gas hidrogen. Arief Budianto, salah seorang narasumber yang juga concern terhadap pengembangan teknologi ini mengatakan, “Poin utama pemakaian hydrogen booster bukan pada pengiritan bahan bakar, tetapi pada kesempurnaan efisiensi pembakaran. Yang akibatnya akan buat mesin jadi lebih bertenaga tapi tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar yang bisa dikatakan sesuai dan ramah lingkungan.” Klaimnya, hydrogen booster ini bisa naikkan performa mobil plus hilangkan gejala knocking yang sudah lama dikeluhkan sebelumnya. Secara umum, hidrogen booster ini dilengkapi dengan 2 wadah air, yang salah satunya berfungsi sebagai tempat proses elektrolisis buat pembentukan hidrogen dan oksigen. Yang lainnya difungsikan sebagai bubler pengaman. Sehingga gas yang dihasilkan akan dirubah dalam bentuk gelembung udara. Itu juga membantu pisahkan kinerja ‘generator’ hidrogen dan mesin mobil, sekaligus berfungsi sebagai dryer atau penghilang kelembaban gas hasil proses elektrolisis tadi. Dimana gas ini lalu disalurkan masuk ke mesin melalui saluran udara ke throttle body atau karburator. Dan hal ini diklaim akan membuat mesin tetap bekerja normal, walaupun pada kondisi campuran bahan bakar yang terbilang minim. Tetapi catatan penting Arief, -panggilan akrabnya-, dalam menciptakan alat yang berbahan dasar air ini adalah boiling point. Hal ini tak lain untuk cegah air cepat mendidih di dalam wadah, yang akan berubah jadi uap air dan cepat habis. Selain itu, uap air ini juga dinilai kurang bersahabat dengan jeroan mesin karena potensi merusaknya. Diperlukan ‘ECU’ pada hidrogen booster, yang dirancang dengan perangkat elektronis, mengatur besaran suhu ideal dibatasi sebelum mencapai suhu titik didih air. Hasil olahan tadi yang berupa hidrogen selanjutnya dimasukkan ke ruang bakar. Nah, di ruang bakar inilah hidrogen banyak bantu proses pembakaran dengan karakteristiknya yang relatif lebih cepat terbakar sekaligus punya suhu pembakaran yang lebih rendah daripada bahan bakar konvensional. Maka apabila gas hasil elektrolisa diinjeksikan ke dalam ruang bakar, volume gas hasil elektrolisa sedikit banyak bisa gantikan campuran bahan bakar yang masuk ke ruang bakar. Hal ini juga munculkan kandungan oksigen dalam ruang bakar jadi relatif lebih banyak dibandingkan campuran bahan bakar saja. Akibatnya, tentu pembakaran lebih efisien dan terasa seperti terjadi peningkatan tenaga. Ilustrasinya begini; seperti diketahui, pembakaran bahan bakar di dalam ruang bakar tak pernah mencapai seratus persen. Artinya, pada langkah awal kerja hingga langkah pembuangan, campuran bahan bakar masih bereaksi. Dengan kata lain, masih ada sisa bahan bakar yang tidak terbakar sempurna, yang akibatkan penumpukan karbon di ruang bakar karena laju rambat pembakaran (front flame) dari bahan bakar yang relatif lebih lambat. Nah dengan hidrogen, maka bahan bakar mampu dibakar habis. Otomatis terjadi efisiensi lewat peningkatan tenaga maupun gas buang yang cenderung lebih ‘hijau’, karena mengurangi kadar Karbonmonoksida (CO) dan Hydrocarbon (HC), serta meningkatkan Oksigen (O2)
Impresi Aplikasi Hydrogen Booster : JADI LEBIH IRIT DAN BERTENAGA
Memang hidrogen booster ini bisa dperdebatkan efektivitasnya. Utamanya dalam hal besaran daya buat hasilkan hidrogen dalam proses elektrolisa. Karena alternator mobil sendiri daya alternatornya terbatas, maka makin banyak arus listrik yang diproduksi alternator, sebanding sama banyaknya konsumsi bensin. Tetapi hal tersebut bukanlah masalah besar. Sebab klaim pembuktian hidrogen booster buatan Arief pada BMW 318i (E30) tahun 1990 bermesin 1.800 cc, terbukti adanya penghematan pemakaian bahan bakar yang mencapai lebih kurang 10%. Ini didapat dari perhitungan jarak tempuh yang 254 km, dibagi dengan 29 liter Premium yang terpakai. Metodenya sendiri dengan mengisi penuh tangki bahan bakar, yang pada titik tertentu kemudian, bahan bakar yang berkurang di tangki akibat konsumsi untuk jarak yang sudah dijalani ditambahkan kembali. Maka didapatlah hasil 1:8,6, “Padahal sebelumnya, untuk dapetin angka 1:8 aja susahnya minta ampun,” ujar Adi sang pemilik. “Lagi pula tenaganya (mesin, Red) jadi besar dan ngelitiknya hilang,” tambah Adi lagi. Untuk membuktikannya langsung, MOTOR mencoba hitung kecepatan data dengan pakai Vericom VC3000 di mobil Adi. Metode pengetesannya dengan menitik-beratkan akselerasi 0-100 km/jam, dengan atau tanpa hidrogen booster. Sebelumnya di dalam mobil terdapat 3 orang dengan total berat 250 kg, dengan kondisi mesin mobil standar pabrikan. Setelah dilakukan pengetesan beberapa kali, hasil hidrogen booster munculkan hasil 14,04 detik dalam jarak 239,9 m. Ini adalah angka paling tinggi didapat pada saat pengetesan. Sedangkan jika dibandingkan waktu tercepat tanpa booster ini diperolehlah waktu 14,13 detik. Maka di sini terjadi peningkatan akselerasi lebih dari 0,10 detik.
Menyiasati kenaikan bahan bakar fosil, penggunaan hidrogen booster ini bisa dibilang besar manfaatnya. Bayangkan saja, dengan nilai oktan yang terbilang besar di atas 130, maka hidrogen punya tahanan lebih baik untuk tekanan kompresi dibanding bahan bakar konvensional. Untuk mobil-mobil yang minum Pertamax (oktan 94) dan Pertamax Plus (oktan 98) sebagai bahan bakarnya, paling terasa keiritannya. Sebab dengan hidrogen, maka pemakaian Premium (oktan 80) bisa dilakukan dengan performa mesin yang serupa. Sebab dengan pencampuran ini, bikin nilai oktan pada premium bertambah (130+80), tentu saja kurangi konsumsi bensin beroktan lebih tinggi daripada bahan bakar sebelumnya. Lagian, gejala knocking pun dijamin tidak muncul, sebab percampuran ini sudah memenuhi kebutuhan oktan bagi mesin. Ilustrasi singkatnya seperti ini; jika per minggu satu mobil Pertamax membutuhkan bahan bakar 50 liter dengan asumsi harga per liternya Rp 10 ribu, maka uang yang dibelanjakan per minggunya untuk bahan bakar adalah Rp 500 ribu. Nah dengan pemakaian hidrogen booster jadi yang dihargai Rp 1 juta, maka pergantian ke Premium bisa dijalani. Kalau saja pemakaian Premium yang harganya Rp 6 ribu seliter sama dengan Pertamax yang 50 liter per minggunya, maka uang yang dibelanjakan pun jadi lebih sedikit. Hanya berkisar Rp 300 ribu, berarti penghematannya mencapai Rp 200 ribu per minggu. Dalam satu bulan atau 4 minggu, total penghematan mencapai Rp 800 ribu. Silakan pilih!
Reporter : Rudy

aDHydro HHO Variable Motor di Tabloid Otomotif Edisi 31

22 Desember 2008

New Container for MotorCycle Reactor

Rekan, pls review Container untuk reactor HHO motor:

Yang warna itu bahan polypropylene, tahan panas, tidak deformasi jika sampai kepanasan karena telat ganti air, yang di bawahnya adalah yang versi lama pakai acrylic kelemahannya pvc bisa deform jika kepanasan dan acrilic ke pvc kadang bocor. Kedua versi ini elektrode (semua stainless) sudah dibuat lebih tahan lama, dengan rod stainless yang lebih tebal yang dilapis karet tahan panas (pada gambar belum) dan sudah menggunakan nipel pneumatic anti bocor. Gambar terakhir adalah konsep design sehingga terjadi seperti ketiga gambar diatas. Salam


10 Dec 2008 02:38:21 PM
Settingan mesin sangat berpengaruh pada performa, tentu juga pada konsumsi bahan bakar. Enggak percaya? Salah satu caranya dengan mengukur setelan celah katup, seperti yang dilakukan kru bengkel OSS yang bermarkas di Jln.Panjang No.8A, Jakbar pada kendaraan Suzuki APV GX 2003 milik redaksi. Pengukurannya dibagi dua karakter celah, masing-masing setelan rapat dan renggang. Ternyata hasilnya mempengaruhi konsumsi bahan bakar. Penasaran? Simak saja pengukurannya di bawah ini.
Sebelum melakukan modifikasi ataupun penambahan alat untuk mencapai efisiensi terhadap konsumsi BBM, sebetulnya ada langkah yang relatif mudah dilakukan pada settingan mesin. Di antaranya adalah setelan celah katup. Menurut mitos, setelan berbeda bisa berpengaruh pada konsumsi. Ibarat bulan Ramadhan, mesin pun bisa puasa minum bensin. Minumnya sama, tapi jarak tempuh lebih jauh.
Kenapa setelan celah katup atau klep bisa berpengaruh pada konsumsi bensin? Logikanya, dengan setelan celah rapat, katup akan membuka lebih lama. Kompresi dinamis yang dihasilkan lebih rendah, sehingga tekanan yang dihasilkan untuk membakar udara lebih sedikit. Namun bensin terisap lebih banyak karena map sensor (manifold absolute pressure) membaca tekanan lebih rendah dan memberi bensin lebih banyak. Kondisi ini lebih mantap buat putaran tinggi.
Kebalikannya, dengan setelan celah renggang, katup mambuka lebih sebentar. Kompresi dinamis lebih padat, tekanan udara pun lebih tinggi. Bensin yang disemprot juga berkurang. Tenaga dan torsi jadi lebih terkonsentrasi pada putaran rendah. Cocok nih, buat macet dan berkendara dalam kota. Namun kelemahannya, suara katup lebih berisik seperti bunyi mesin jahit. Meski demikian, komponen tetap mampu bertahan buat pemakaian jangka panjang.
Penyetelan celah klep bisa dilakukan pada mobil yang belum mengaplikasi sistem penyetelan hidraulis. Tepatnya, pada mobil dengan setelan konvensional, maupun dengan setelan shim. Penyetelan konvensional jelas lebih mudah, sedangkan penyetel shim harus dilakukan dengan mengganti shim ketebalan berbeda.
Pada mobil tes Suzuki APV GX, setelan katup masih mekanis konvensional. Cukup mudah, tinggal memutar baut penyetel pada rangkaian katup. Alat yang digunakan disebut dengan feeler gauge.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal, dilakukan dua penyetelan. Pertama dilakukan penyetelan celah rapat, yaitu katup masuk (in) dan buang (ex) dibuat sama bercelah 0,15 mm. Sedangkan penyetelan kedua terbilang renggang, katup in dan ex disetel bercelah 0,30 mm.
Setelah disetel, gas buang mesin diukur. Hasilnya, untuk setelan rapat, AFR (air-fuel ratio) tercatat 13,0:1 atau Lambda 0,88. Sedangkan dengan setelan renggang, AFR menjadi 14,3:1 atau Lambda 0,97. Artinya, AFR menunjukkan setelan renggang lebih irit.
Membuktikannya, mobil dijalankan konstan 80 km/jam sejauh sekitar 100 km. Konsumsi setelan rapat tercatat 14,3 km/liter. Sedangkan setelan renggang tercatat 16,9 km/liter. Jelas sudah, settingan mesin mempengaruhi konsumsi, perbedaan setelan katup saja bisa memberikan hasil yang berbeda sampai 18,2%.
• Ade, Manut
• OTOMOTIF Edisi 18 : XVIII – Hal : 13 – 08 SEPTEMBER 2008

TES HHO - MENGHEMAT 6,9%-17,25% di Otomotif Tabloid

TES HHO - MENGHEMAT 6,9%-17,25%
22 Oct 2008 09:12:37 AM
Rasa penasaran makin tak terbendung saat Tonny Lo dari Unusual Creation menelpon ke redaksi OTOMOTIF. “Kit hydrogen untuk mobil sudah siap dites,” ujarnya semangat. Bukan tanpa sebab rasa ingin tahu menjadi besar. Kit buatan Unusual Creation yang sebelumnya sudah dites untuk motor, berhasil menghemat konsumsi BBM hingga 40%. Sedangkan kit buatan Ufuk buat mobil Diesel mampu mengirit sampai 12,11%.
Pasokan gas HHO (Hidrogen-Hidrogen –Oksigen) alias Brown Gas yang terjadi akibat elektrolisa air di dalam tabung ini memang sudah dikenal cukup lama sebagai penekan konsumsi BBM di mesin bakar. “Teknologi yang diterapkan kali ini agak beda karena tak lagi memakai lilitan kawat sebagai proses elektrolisa,” tutur Tonny lagi.
Brown gas yang sukses dikembangkan Mr. Brown dari Australia dan Stanley Meyer (Amerika) beberapa puluh tahun silam ini, seolah menjadi jawaban dari makin langkanya BBM fosil di dunia. Selain itu juga berefek menekan global warming karena brown gas ini bisa mereduksi emisi gas buang.
Perangkat berupa tabung berkapasitas 1.000 cc ini, dilengkapi lempengan logam untuk menunjang proses elektrolisa dan kemudian dialiri listrik DC (Direct Current) berasal dari aki (12 Volt). Dikatakan berbeda dengan kit versi awal yang menggunakan lilitan kawat, karena kit hasil pengembangan terakhir menggunakan 8 buah lempengan logam.
Sebagai media penghantar listrik di dalam tabung menggunakan air murni atau air kran yang dicampur senyawa kimia sebagai katalis (penghantar listrik). “Prosesnya seperti chroming logam besi,” jelas Supri, teknisi Unusual Creation yang menangani mobil tes milik redaksi.
Listrik yang dialiri ke dua buah kutub (negative dan positif) akan diteruskan ke 8 buah lempeng logam yang terpasang berhimpitan. Dengan adanya air yang sudah dicampur senyawa kimia Kalium Hidroksida atau Sodium Bikarbonat di dalam tabung, listrik akan berloncatan karena air berubah menjadi penghantar listrik.
Akibat dari proses elektrolisa ini dihasilkan gas oxyhydrogen dari perpecahan molekul H2O (air) menjadi HHO. Gas ini yang kemudian masuk kedalam ruang bakar melalui slang yang ditancapkan ke intake manifold untuk dibakar bersama kabut bensin atau solar.
Gas hydrogen atau Brown Gas ini memiliki daya ledak sangat baik sehingga ideal untuk menunjang pembakaran. Dengan takaran yang pas antara air dan katalis, perpaduan antara gas oxyhydrogen dan bensin akan menghasilkan tenaga atau performa lebih baik.
Lantaran gas yang ikut terbakar terdiri dari molekul oksigen dan hydrogen, menyebabkan kadar emisi seperti HC (hydro carbon) dan CO (karbon monoksida) ikut turun cukup tajam. Sisa hasil pembakaran dari Brown Gas yang dominan oksigen akan mengikat CO yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan menjadi CO2 (karbon dioksida). Nantinya, tak mustahil air murni bisa 100% menggantikan BBM fosil seperti yang sudah dilakukan Stanley Meyer di VW Kodoknya pada 1998.
Mengingat penghematan jadi andalan system HHO, tes difokuskan pada konsumsi bahan bakar. Suzuki APV GX yang dipakai sudah dimodifikasi pada jalur bahan bakarnya. Tidak lagi memakai tangki asli, melainkan pakai tangki luar dengan fuel pump yang sama. Tujuannya memudahkan penghitungan konsumsi bensin. Setiap pengetesan, tangki diisi 12 liter bensin. Lalu setelah tes, sisa bensin ditakar lagi untuk mengetahui volume yang terpakai.
System HHO pertama yang dicoba memiliki satu elemen. Pengetesan dilakukan secara konstan 80 km/jam di jalan tol dalam kota pada waktu tengah malam. Dibanding konsumsi asli APV 1:12,8 liter/km, pemakaian HHO 1 elemen mencatat konsumsi 1:13,72 liter/km. Bensin lebih sedikit terpakai, beda 0,89 liter/km. Artinya ada penghematan 6,9%.
Sayangnya, system yang sama tidak bisa dilakukan pada system 2 elemen mengingat jadwal terbit Tabloid kesayangan Anda ini. Akhirnya diputuskan untuk melakukan tes konsumsi dalam kota dengan kondisi macet stop and go. Standar konsumsi bensin APV buat kondisi ini adalah 1:7,1 liter/km. Setelah pakai HHO, konsumsi ditekan jadi 1:8,36 liter/km. Artinya, dengan satu liter bensin APV bisa jalan lebih jauh 1,23 km. Perbedaan dengan kondisi standar adalah 17,25%. PEMASANGAN
Peranti ini memerlukan pemasangan sederhana pada mobil. Sebagai media tes, dipakai Suzuki APV GX. Unit terpenting adalah tabung HHO. Peletakan tabung ini bebas, tinggal mencari ruang yang lega di dalam kap mesin dengan sirkulasi udara baik. OTOMOTIF berkesempatan menjajal dua system, dengan satu dan dua rangkaian lempeng elektroda. Namun pemasangannya sama saja.
Urusan suplai gas HHO dari tabung ini, langsung disuntikkan ke saluran masuk mesin. Tepatnya dilakukan pada saluran karet dari saringan udara, tepat sebelum tersambung ke throttle body. Penyalurnya digunakan slang dengan grade fuel hose agar lebih safety. Cairannya dipakai air destilasi (air aki biru) dengan campuran KOH 1,5 sendok makan. Diaduk rata baru dimasukkan ke tabung.
Sedangkan urusan kelistrikan, disambungkan dengan kontak. Kontak diambil dari motor wiper, mengingat pemasangan dilakukan di dalam bonnet APV. Sekring 25 ampere sebagai pengaman andai terjadi korsleting. Setelah sekring, pada jalur kabel positif juga dipasang lampu dua filament (biasa untuk lampu rem). Lampu ini sebagai indicator alat bekerja, sekaligus pemantau kondisi elektrolit. Jika lampu sudah redup, maka sebaiknya elektrolit juga diganti.
Menurut Tonny Lo, peranti HHO buatannya punya usia. “Kira-kira lifetimenya lima tahun. Tetapi perlu perawatan setiap tahun,” sarannya. Selain itu, selalu perhatikan level air pada samping tabung. Kalau kurang segera tambah. Perhatikan juga lampu, kalau meredup berarti cairan elektrolit mulai lemah. Lebih baik dikuras dan ganti yang baru.
Perhatikan juga pemasangan slang pengantar gas HHO, jangan sampai terjadi kebocoran. Jika bocor dan terkonsentrasi, lantas ada panas atau letikan dari kabel busi yang bocor di seputar kompartemen mesin, bisa dengan mudah tersulut dan meledak. Jadi, sebaiknya gunakan slang yang berkualitas baik dengan klem pada setiap ujungnya.
• Ben, Kl:X, Ade, Manut (manut@gramedia-majalah.com)

H2O - TEKNOLOGI HEMAT BBM MULAI 20% - 35% DENGAN 100% AIR PERTAMA DI INDONESIA - Technology penghemat BBM dengan menggunakan 100% air TANPA BUBUK KOH, TANPA BUBUK SODA KUE - air spontan langsung diubah menjadi GAS Hydrogen dan produksi Gasnya diatas kebanyak produk yang ada dipasaran saat ini. H2O V2 merupakan generasi terbaru dari produk H2O sebelumnya yang masih menggunakan bubuk soda kue ataupun KOH untuk dapat menghasilkan Gas Hydrogen. H2O V2 Merupakan sebuah tabung yang kita pasang di vakum manifold, yang didalam tabung tsb kita isikan air dan disetrum aki mobil. Pada saat mesin mobil dinyalakan maka air dalam tabung H2O V2 akan diubah menjadi gas yang kemudian akan meningkatkan daya dorong dan tenaga pada kendaraan anda dan otomatis akan memberikan penghematan secara signifikan. H2O V2 memberikan anda manfaat sbb:Telah lulus uji LIPI- Penghematan konsumsi bahan bakar secara signifikan MULAI 20% - 35% PASTI !!!!- Jarak Tempuh per liternya semakin besar- Meningkatkan performa dan kekuatan mesin, menurunkan suhu kerja mesin- Menghilangkan karbon deposit - Hasil Emisi mendekati 0 alias sangat bersih dan hampir Aman untuk bisa langsung dihirup hidung anda- Berfungsi sebagai Power dan Speed booster 20% - 30% - Air tidak panas- Air tidak beracun H2O motor @ Rp 500.000 / tabungH2O mobil @ Rp 1.500.000 / tabungPASTIKAN ANDA MENGGUNAKAN PRODUK H2O V2 KAMI DAN BUKAN YANG LAINH2O V1 telah dibahas dan di uji oleh Tim OTOMOTIF, BACA TABLOID OTOMOTIF 28 JULY 2008 EDISI XII - cara kerja dan hasil test produk kami telah di jelaskan dengan detail disana.